Internet & TV Support
Within Dalyellup Beach there are two broadband infrastructure networks. Read on for details on who to contact for network connection, retail service providers and TV support.

Which internet network is connected to your home?
Both NBN and Opticomm have infrastructure connected across multiple stages within Dalyellup Beach. You will need to check the rollout maps for both companies to confirm which company services your address, then choose your Retail Service Provider (eg. Telstra, iiNet, Optus, etc.) from the relevant website.
Check the Opticomm website for the rollout map and available Retail Service Providers.

Whether you are a new or existing customer, if you wish to have traditional cable TV at your new home, first contact Foxtel on 131 999 to check what cable connection is available at your new address. For existing customers, transferring your service should be booked in at least four weeks prior to your move. Visit the Foxtel website for more information.

TV Support & Troubleshooting