LD Total's top tips for maintaining your new garden
Industry News
LD Total's top tips for maintaining your new garden
Choosing a masterplanned community is a fun and exciting step in the land buying journey. This is where you’ll set up your comfort and happiness for years to come, as the right community is going to supply you with everything you need whether you’re a growing family or downsizing to enjoy your golden years.
There is a lot to consider when buying in a masterplanned community. If multiple developments look similar, how do you choose between them? With this guide! Each of our points below will cover:
Size and shape of house
The size and shape of your land will impact the type of house that can be built upon it. So, the first thing we’ll need to consider today is what kind of home you’re going to want.
If you have a rough idea of how much space you desire (for example, do you need a large garden for the kids and pets to run around or do you want a small backyard that’s low maintenance?), you’ll be able to find the land that can accommodate it, then choose a home design from there. If you choose the home first, you might struggle to find an adequately sized lot – this may lead to sacrificing something important, like that garden space or an extra room.
Choosing land in a masterplanned community
One of the benefits of buying land in a masterplanned community is the fact that there are lots of different land sizes, shapes and styles in one area – you aren’t comparing land across multiple suburbs, which might not have all the amenities you were hoping for. Pick the community you love, then choose land that will complement your lifestyle. Ask your estate manager about local design guidelines though, in case those will impact your preferred aesthetic.
Some developers also have partnerships with home builders to provide a faster process and occasionally offer financial incentives (more on this next).
Questions to ask yourself:
When comparing prices between masterplanned community developers, there are a couple of extra things to think about compared to regular land purchases:
Note: Incentives are great, but shouldn’t make or break your decision. It’s more important that you buy a house and land that fits your ideal lifestyle and will last you for years to come. If you plan to resell in the future, it’s also more important to think about whether your property will increase in value over time, which we cover in our next point.
Questions to ask yourself
Even if you aren’t planning on selling your home in the future, it’s always a possibility. So, it’s vital that you do your research to ensure the masterplanned community of your choice will increase in value over time. That way you’ll sell the property for a profit, helping fund your next house and perhaps even your future lifestyle (i.e. your retirement).
What factors help property value increase?
There is no guarantee that XYZ factors will increase your property’s value. However, the following are common:
Questions to ask yourself
Cost-saving features like solar panels may increase a property’s resale value.
Your community should keep life’s necessities close at hand to cut down on the inconvenience and cost of travel. This doesn’t just include school and work, but fun and leisure – life’s too short not to enjoy the perks of your community. If you could reduce the cost and inconvenience associated with commuting to work, running errands or getting to the doctor when you’re sick, you could greatly increase your happiness.
The masterplanned community of your dreams should either come with or be situated near a raft of key amenities. According to a Satterley customer survey, the most popular amenities for community residents are:
Make sure you check out what is planned or in development as well as what exists already. You might find an area lacks one or two amenities now, but they are already in the works. The below video shows an example of one of Satterley’s modern community developments that features shops, schools, a gorgeous beach and nearby golf course.
Questions to ask yourself
85 per cent of survey respondents stated that the developer behind a community was important.
By this point you should be able to compare masterplanned communities with your needs, so what’s left to finalise your choice? The credibility of the developers. In fact, 85 per cent of respondents to realestate.com.au’s survey stated that the developer behind a community, not just the community itself, was important.
Why is developer credibility so crucial?
Buying land and building a home is one of the biggest purchases you will ever make in life, so you must be able to trust that the company you are investing money with will deliver on its promises. That’s the key – feeling like you’re getting the best deal, that the community will thrive when it’s finished, and that you or your family will be safe, happy and prosperous well into the future.
How can I check that a company is ‘credible’?
Realestate.com.au’s survey respondents listed the following as the most important factors to determine a developer’s reputation:
You can find these out by visiting the relevant developers’ websites, visiting some of their other communities to inspect the quality, and reading reviews of their business online.
Questions to ask yourself
Satterley is one of Australia’s leading developers of masterplanned communities, with a history of success in Western Australia, Victoria and Queensland. Since being founded nearly 40 years ago, we’ve gone on to sell more than 60,000 home sites across the country, making our vibrant communities home to more than 250,000 residents. We purposely build estates to either include or be near key amenities, transport links and employment hubs, not to mention open spaces, parks and playgrounds, shops, and schools.
Australians love our masterplanned communities and we’re sure you will too. To see what’s available in your area, check out our lots for sale today.