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What to do about illegal dumping at Arcadia?

Arcadia, Officer artist impression of local park
A lot of the appeal of choosing to make your home in a new estate is the newness:  Smart, contemporary, attractive streetscapes and houses designed for how we live in the 2020s.

Who wants to look out the window and see a great pile of building rubble, illegally dumped?

Or, visit their new block of land just prior to building to discover they need to remove a whole heap of rubbish that shouldn’t be their responsibility?

Illegal dumping has multiple impacts on a community.

It ruins the general visual appeal of the immediate environment.

Depending on what is dumped and where it can create environmental hazards such a polluting local water or blocking storm water drains and putting kids at risk if it comprises of broken glass or concrete, or rough timber full of splinters.

Illegally dumped rubbish can also make the estate look uncared for.  The “broken windows theory” is a criminological theory that states that visible signs of crime, anti-social behaviour, and civil disorder (including the dumping of rubbish) creates an urban environment that encourages further crime and disorder.

And if you are the dumpee, illegal dumping can seriously impact your relationship with neighbours.



So, what can you do to minimise illegal dumping in your estate?

  • Have a discussion with your builder about installing temporary fencing whilst your lot is vacant.
  • Ask your builder to install a temporary security camera for the duration of the build. If the camera can also be left in place from handover of the keys to when you move in it serves the dual purpose of deterring other builders from dumping rubbish and criminals who may be interested in your white goods and hot water service.
  • Ask your builder what policies and procedures they have in place for the correct removal (and even recycling) of building rubbish.
  • Report any dumped rubbish you see to the EPA and Cardinia Shire Council. Don’t hesitate to report multiple times to multiple agencies. The quicker that rubbish is removed the better.


Offenders may be charged under the Environmental Protection Act 1970 and if found guilty, face a maximum penalty of $6342.

Visit Cardinia Shire Council’s website here for more info and to report dumped rubbish.

Please note, removal of dumped rubbish on settled lots is the responsibility of the owner.

This article was produced in partnership with Neighbourhood Watch Victoria.