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Have you ever wondered about the story of the land you live on?

Allara, Eglinton aerial view of community and proximity to the coastline.

Explore the Story

Read the story of how Eglinton evolved from coastal plains to what is now home to a thriving, urban community.

The Swan Coastal Plain

The Mooro tribe of the Noongar people called this area home for 40,000 years thanks to a chain of wetlands which supplied them with plenty of food and water. It’s believed that the Pipidinny Swamp was created from the blood and meat of the crocodile’s tail as he walked back towards the Swan River after his fight with the shark! Credit: City of Wanneroo, Yaberoo Budjara Heritage Trail

Residential land development at Allara, Eglinton.

The Barque Eglinton 1852

Following settlement of The Swan River Colony in 1829, many ships made their way to Australia with much-needed cargo for the new settlers. In 1852, a 462-ton barque named The Eglinton, carrying much-awaited cargo, was wrecked on an outer reef off the coast near Alkimos. The wreck was discovered in 1971, with Eglinton being approved as a suburb name in 1974. Credit: Research Data Australia

The Eglinton shipwreck next to Allara, Eglinton.


The name Allara is an indigenous word meaning sunlight. It portrays positive, bright connotations with a calming and fresh feel. This provided us with inspiration for the Allara branding.

Children running through sprinklers, the history of Allara, Eglinton.